Saturday 26 February 2011

Hello Y12

Well done for looking to see which room you're in - genius! Go to Rm 16 for all your GS lessons now; Mrs Price will be your teacher for the remainder of the course where you'll study the Cultural Domain. Enjoy.

It's been fun,

Ms Caldwell


  1. Hi Ms Caldwell
    Do you know when our general studies exams are? The timetable on the school website is confusing me, as it says different days to what I had written down before, with complicated names...
    Thank you,
    Eleanor :)

  2. Hi Eleanor,
    Something does seem amiss. I've already sent an email and I shall let you know ASAP. I'll post it on the blog and let you know personally.
    Best wishes,
    Ms :)

  3. Hi Eleanor
    The General Studies times on the calender are for the A level, not AS. The AS times are not there, but will be shortly.
    Best wishes,
    Ms :)
