Saturday 29 January 2011


Hello Y12

Oh, poor General Studies blog; the most neglected of my little blog family!

Recently, we have been looking at the social divide and influences to our behaviour. Obviously, these fit into a political framework as well. How can things like the social divide fit into politics? What news stories can you think of that link to it? Where do the different political parties stand on this issue? How have they changed in recent years or months?
Over the next couple of weeks we'll look at two contentious and topical political hot potatoes: education systems and the NHS.

Your homework has been to find out about Fundamentalism. The definition as well as research into two fundamentalist groups. There are some definitions here from a range of encyclopaedia on this site. I haven't read it all, but it looks good.

Here is a document I have made for you. It's an overview of everything you need to know for this section of the course. You should be able to link almost of all of these to the news; if you can't find some news stories! Get into the habit of looking at

If you fancy extending your learning and making your brain buzz have a look at this. It's the programme I was telling you about in lesson the other day.

If I think of anything else, I'll post it.

See you on Monday,